agiff 2023

The annual Ark Gate International

Film Festival Montreal

AGIFF is planned and executed annually under the supervision of Abdol Reza Kahani. Kahani is an Iranian screenwriter and movie director who has achieved several accolades globally and has been recognized as an award-winning filmmaker in many international film festivals.

Kahani left Iran in 2016 under a constant pressure of censorship and after many of his movies were banned from being publicly released.

After a few years of living in France and making films in exile, Kahani moved to Canada and established ARK GATE FILMS, with the goal of continuing his passion in movie production.

AGIFF will include competitions in several categories comprised of Feature Films, Short Films, and Student Films. The winners will be awarded by the festival statuette known as the “Crystal Arkab”.

Future Film market is another important section of the AGIFF festival, meant to be a platform for co-production and networking.

Please click on each section to register and participate

Feature Films

International Feature Films specifications

Short Films

International Short Film specifications

Student Films

International School Short Film competition specifications

Future Market

platform for co-production and networking

AGIFF Awards


We proudly present the statue of awards for ARK GATE FILMS international film festival.
The 4 awards are: Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Actor.

Best Film

Best Screenplay

Best Director

Best Actor